Friday, July 10, 2009

10 Steps In How to Enjoy Life

With all the things of life that might be stressing to us, sometimes we forget how to enjoy life. The following list will help you to make small changes in your life, so that you can again enjoy it!

1. Learn to be positive!
If you keep moaning about your life, other people will only notice the bad aspects of your character and categorize you as a person who is 'Boring' - or worse! Who wants to spend time with a wet blanket! Go to places where people are positive and support you with positive thoughts.

2. Be generous. A little generosity goes a long way. Give and people return the favor to you and you will be known as a generous person.

3. Make a list of all the things you want to do and do them! If you've always wanted to audition for theater, then go ahead and do it! This will help to reduce 'hanging around' and wishing. This even applies if you want to be an astronaut : you might not effectively become one, but becoming savvy in astrophysics and space will make you realize that you're capable of it.

4. Keep trying. One of the key things that you need to remember is to never be discouraged; failure is a part of life, and it happens naturally. If you are so disillusioned that you never want to try again, at least be comforted by the fact that you made an attempt.

5. Stop doing things that you do not enjoy. Make a list of the things that you are doing that you don't enjoy, and try to stop doing them. Naturally, this shouldn't mean that you should drop out of school if you don't like studying, but you might consider working for a new company if you are constantly stressed and pressured by your job. If it's not possible to stop, try to see the positive side of those things and find ways to make them entertaining. Nobody enjoys cleaning the kitchen fan or the toilet, but if you do these chores with full awareness and make them into a meditation, you will be surprised how quiet your mind will become and how much happiness these chores will give you.

6. Find a hobby. You might take up collecting stamps or coins, or you might learn more about photography or art. You don't have to spend your entire life doing it; the whole purpose of the hobby is to vary your routine and do something worthwhile.

7. Stop watching TV or at least limit the amount of time you spend on it. Watching TV is passive entertainment and enjoyment in life comes from trying and doing things yourself instead of watching other people do things. Watching people swim is not the same as swimming. Watching other people hike or climb a mountain is not the same as hiking or climbing mountains. This is pretty obvious but still many people prefer second hand experiences to living life to the full. The same goes for playing TV or computer games for hours on end. Go out and do something. You will feel healthier too.

8. Enjoy feeling proud. If you're proud of something be it: an essay, a new deck you built, a promotion, or a song you composed. Hold on to it for dear life, because there's nothing more important than maintaining your self-esteem. Improving your self esteem increases your confidence and is a first step towards finding happiness and a better life.

9. Stay healthy. Make part of your life eating right and exercising, because it helps keep the body running at the top of its game.

10. Be open to change. Changes in your job, friends, a move, or anything else that may come your way. With practice you will be able to anticipate it.


debra@dustjacket said...

Thank you for those great tips, (I read them aloud so it really sinks in!)xx

Carmen Johnson said...

Thanks, Dustjacket for your lovely comment. I am happy that you enjoyed this post!

Have a beautiful day,


A said...

Wonderful post! Hope to try implementing it soon. Life should be enjoyed!

Carmen Johnson said...

Thanks Amanda for your comment. It's great to hear that you enjoyed the post. I love to share what inspires me with my guest.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, my dear Ms. Johnson. I wholeheartedly accord with the sentiments you have so well expressed here. Perhaps I could add one too that a warm, genuine smile can work wonders for your own self-esteem as well as that of others.

My best wishes for the success of your fascinating & thought-provoking magazine!

Alexander Dyle

Carmen Johnson said...

Thanks Alexander for adding your great comment and tip! Smiling is truly contagious and it does makes others and us feel happier.

Thanks for stopping by.
